Your support of United Way of South Central Indiana improves the lives and futures of all people in the community. We bring together expertise, funding, and volunteer support to positively impact the resilience of our community, and those who live within it. Together with partner agencies and community partners, we work to eliminate inequities experienced by low-income and diverse populations so that all people have a safe, healthy home environment, achieve their educational potential, and increase their financial stability. We commit to building bridges across cultural, racial, religious, and economic boundaries.
Born Learning
United Way’s Born Learning initiative helps parents, caregivers, and our community support positive early childhood development. Born Learning provides easy research-based ways to turn everyday moments into fun learning opportunities for young children. Read more.
Financial Coaching
United Way, along with the Financial Stability Alliance, offers a free financial coaching program for individuals in our community. Financial coaching is quickly gaining recognition on a national level as a proven, effective way to help people significantly improve their financial well-being. This program provides free financial coaching to participants from Monroe, Owen, and Greene counties. Participants work with a financial coach who helps create personalized goals and then they systematically work towards achieving them. Read more.
Free Community Tax Service
The Free Community Tax Service helps low- and moderate-income residents file tax returns for free and claim valuable tax credits. Read more.
Personal Finance Monthly Newsletter
Being smarter about money is a key component of financial empowerment. Sign up to receive our monthly Dollars & Sense E-News which covers a variety of topics each month! Read more.
Roadmap to Success
The Roadmap to Success is a tool for students, parents, and counselors to help guide middle and high school students’ career and school choices. The Roadmap connects users to information about the workforce, colleges, and training programs, ways to pay and save for education after high school, and much more. Read more.
AFL-CIO Community Services
Since 1946, the AFL-CIO and United Way Worldwide have enjoyed a cooperative relationship through which they and local United Ways provide services to members of organized labor, their families, and their communities. This partnership has positively impacted hundreds of local families. Read more.
The Financial Stability Alliance of South Central Indiana (FSA)
The Financial Stability Alliance is a cohesive network that aims to increase the financial stability of residents in south-central Indiana. The alliance accomplishes this by advocating for policies and changes that will improve people’s financial lives; strengthening its members through development opportunities and sharing best practices; and measuring collective results, including the status of financial stability in the region. Read more.
Bank On Bloomington
Local financial institutions and community partners are collaborating to help residents access mainstream financial services and financial education. Residents who have never had a bank account are finding that many traditional barriers have been reduced or eliminated. Read more.
Education Adventure Mini-Grants
Education Adventure Mini-Grants are small, one-time education-based grants made to community educators for the purchase of additional learning tools and resources that are not normally funded by school budgets. The grants seek to support teachers in the smaller school districts outside of Bloomington. Read more.
Heading Home of South Central Indiana
United Way of South Central Indiana and the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County are leading a collaboration to reduce homelessness and the housing insecurity issues we face as a community. Read more.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
United Way is a partner of FEMA, which provides support for local needs through the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) in Monroe, Owen, and Greene counties. Key sector representatives evaluate applications and make funding decisions. Read more.
Need help? Dial 2-1-1. Individuals needing food, housing, employment, child care, health care, counseling, or senior services are able to call 2-1-1 for immediate assistance, 24/7. Read more.
Community Organizations Active in Disaster for Monroe County (MoCOAD)
Community Organizations Active in Disaster for Monroe County (MoCOAD) helps people rebuild after a community disaster. The MoCOAD network is composed of representatives from business, faith groups, local government, and non-profit agencies. MoCOAD helps our community mitigate, prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from large-scale disasters. Read more.
Let's Read
Just as children develop language skills long before they are able to speak, they also develop literacy skills long before they are able to read. Let's Read is an exciting program that partners United Way, Monroe Smart Start, WTIU, and Riley Physicians at IU Health. At select wellness visits from six months to five years old, pediatricians and nurses take time to talk with parents about the importance of reading at home. Each family also receives a free age-appropriate book and a packet of information on ways to build early literacy and school readiness skills. Read more.
Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County
The Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County enriches the local community by strengthening the nonprofit sector through communication, collaboration, professional development, and outreach. Read more.
Nurse Family Partnership
United Way partners with the IU Health Community Health in Bloomington Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program to help new moms in our community get the best start to their parenting journey. We host annual volunteer events to create Baby Shower Baskets for NFP mom's, giving them some newborn essentials, safety items and age appropriate books! Visit our events calendar to see when our next baby basket project is scheduled. To learn more about Nurse Family Partnership, visit https://iuhealth.org/in-the-community/south-central-region/nurse-family-partnership.
SingleCare Discount Prescription Program
SingleCare is a free platform designed to save you money on prescriptions. SingleCare works directly with pharmacies to negotiate prescription prices, saving you up to 80% on scrips. Read more.
Stamp Out Hunger - National Association of Letter Carriers’ Food Drive
The Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a nationwide event. Read more.
Each of United Way’s partner agencies has been carefully reviewed and meets nonprofit efficiency, effectiveness, governance, and transparency standards. Each partner agency undergoes a rigorous certification process and is granted funding through a volunteer-led allocation process.
Partner agencies help our community ensure families have opportunities and everyone can meet basic living needs. When you contribute to the United Way of South Central Indiana Possibility Fund, you give these agencies the ability to make lasting, sustained improvements in people’s lives.
United Way fosters collaboration among our network of partner agencies with meetings that focus on education, information sharing, training, advocacy, and strengthening partnerships.
Other local initiatives benefit from United Way's skill and experience handling funds. Each year, we are audited by an independent public accounting firm and have earned the desired "unqualified opinion" regarding our financial statements