Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County

NonProfit Alliance group of nonprofit professionals

NPA Logo


The Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County enriches the local community by strengthening the nonprofit sector through communication, collaboration, professional development, and outreach. It is supported by the City of Bloomington, the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, the Monroe County Public Library, and United Way of South Central Indiana.

NPA hosts a website, publishes a regular e-newsletter, organizes a couple networking events, and supports monthly gatherings of professionals and key volunteers in outreach, development, and advocacy so they can share best practices and challenges.

Monroe County is a community that respects all its citizens and provides opportunities for everyone to participate fully and to reach his or her highest potential. Nonprofits in Monroe County help the community become that place!


Submitting an Announcement to the Newsletter

We publish the NPA newsletter every month, showcasing upcoming nonprofit events and news, resources, and employment opportunities. All submissions should be 100 words or less. Be sure to double-check your submissions for all pertinent information and include a short title, contact information, web address, and any cost information. The NPA newsletter needs to receive submissions by the 25th of each month and is distributed around the 1st of each month.

Submit your announcement at this link.

Monthly Support Breakfast

Outreach Coordinators

This monthly meeting is aimed towards those nonprofit staff members, paid and volunteer, for whom community outreach is a primary job component. It’s an opportunity for colleagues to learn and share from one another’s expertise and experience in this particular area of nonprofit management. Discussion topics are generated from the group with participants volunteering to facilitate, so we invite all members to submit topics that are relevant to you and your work in the community.

There is no registration for the outreach breakfast meeting.

To receive a monthly reminder email for the meeting, email

Development Directors

Join other professional fundraisers and development directors to discuss best practices and learn from each other. For more information please email Meagan Niese at


Meet the Media

Local media reps provide suggestions on how to get coverage for your meaningful community work. Come prepared to present a story idea no more than one minute long (only one pitch per nonprofit). Plenty of time for one-on-one questions too. Held on or around Valentine’s Day.

What they say about the event…
“Great in-depth conversations with the panelists.”
“I learned to craft my stories specific to the media outlet.”
“I enjoyed learning about attention-grabbing strategies and becoming educated on what other nonprofits are doing.”

Meet the Funders

In this annual event, a panel of experts discusses a topic relevant to nonprofit organizations. In the speed-networking sessions that follow, local organization representatives talk about what they fund and what they look for when selecting nonprofits to fund. They will also answer questions. Held in the Fall. 

What they say about the event…
“Met awesome people, got good advice.”
“Very informative. Enjoyed networking portion!”
“I have learned so much, I’m more clear on my next steps.”

For more info on these events, contact or (812) 349-3471.

Local Grants

The NPA has put together a list of available local grants for Monroe County nonprofit organizations.The information presented is subject to change. (Note: NPA and its sponsors present this information without endorsement.) We suggest you contact the granting organization for further details.

View NPA Local Grant Descriptions here.

Please email us at to let us know about grants not included in this list.

Nonprofit Jobs

Visit the most recent monthly Newsletters at this link to view nonprofit job postings.

Submitting a Job

If you are submitting a job, the listing will be included in the e-newsletter once. If you have a job to submit, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact


Please send us an email at

Connect with us on Facebook at

Lead Partners

United Way of South Central Indiana     ​   ​  MCPL