People supporting community

Use these resources to help build support for the United Way fund drive.

Right-click to download any of these files to place in your newsletters, website, letters, print materials, social media, and other communication pieces (if pdf files do not open automatically, you may need to download the free Adobe Reader):

Want to start a fundraising effort at your organization? Contact Catherine Blankensop at today.

Right-click on the image to download jpg.

United Way Poster 2023



United Way Graphic

United Way Graphic

UWMC logo

UWMC logo


Give Now Button

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Interested in having a speaker share more about the annual campaign? It's a great way to energize a campaign and learn about all the wonderful ways your donation can strengthen our community. To learn more, or to schedule a speaker, Contact Catherine Blankensop, Director of Development, at or (812) 269-1244.

Want to find out how you or your group can help move families from poverty to possibility? Contact Catherine Blankensop, Director of Development, at or (812) 269-1244

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