Your support moves families from Poverty to Possibility
Nearly half of the families in our region are in, or one emergency away from, poverty – including 30% of families with children and 43% of seniors.
Across our region, families work hard but still struggle to make ends meet – much less save for a stable future. Living paycheck to paycheck while hovering at or falling below the poverty line is the reality for 46 percent of families in Brown, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, and Owen counties.
It takes everyone, and United Way is rallying our communities to work hand-in-hand. 1 in 3 lives in our community are impacted by your gift. We need your help, give today!
Note that a donation of $1,000 or more qualifies donors for membership in the Leadership Society. A donation of $500 or more qualifies those 40 and younger for the Young Leaders Society.
To maximize the impact of your contribution and minimize credit card processing fees, we ask that online donations are no less than $5.
Please complete the secure form below or see other ways to give.
For recurring credit card contributions, your donation will continue uninterrupted until you alert United Way of South Central Indiana that you would like to make a change or stop payment. You will receive an email receipt for each contribution and you may cancel at any time. Your initial pledge payment will be processed when you confirm your contribution. You can modify or cancel future pledge payments at any time by contacting Chris Hazel, Finance Director, at (812) 334-8370 or pledges@unitedwaywaysci.org.
United Way of South Central Indiana is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by current federal and state tax law.