COVID-19 Relief Fund Impact
In March of 2020, the entire world shifted. Our community came together with a generous spirit — allowing us to be responsive to evolving critical needs, while also looking toward recovery and resilience-building.
As of September 2, 2021 the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund has awarded 114 grants, totaling $2.18 million, to 47 organizations, including 28 that had not previously received United Way funding. These grants are helping human service organizations in Brown, Greene, Monroe, and Owen counties and regional community foundations support priority needs during the pandemic.
As of April 2021
- 5,347,810 meals and 71,280 food boxes were distributed to community members to keep them from going hungry.
- 265 households assisted with rent, utilities, and financial education to keep people safely housed in their own homes.
- 3,525 rides provided for essential trips.
- 1,839 individuals sheltered in safe environments.
- 97,020 medical, health, and hygiene items helped to keep community members safe and healthy.
- 2,315 remote and in-person care visits so that at-risk community members could stay connected, engaged, and healthy.
- 342 remote legal and mediation sessions.
- 3,016 remote mental health counseling sessions were provided to a growing number of community members negatively affected by the pandemic.
Wonder what your contributions to the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund did (and are doing)? Watch this beautiful video created by Gabriel Wheeler and his team, including Tatiana Peters, United Way intern and Indiana Leadership Program Summer Associate.
We so appreciate the work he and his team did to bring to life the impact of your donations in action! |
Phase 5 Grant Recipients
September 2, 2021 - The United Way COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund announced Phase 5 grants totaling $414,280 to 24 human service organizations to continue to support critical safety net needs. In this round of funding the CDC’s Social Determinants of Health were used as a guide. Phase 5 grants encompass a wide range of programs and interventions and could be used for operational support, health and human services infrastructure, and basic needs outreach.
Phase 4 grant recipients
December 1, 2020 - The United Way COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund announced Phase 4 grants totaling $208,000 to 25 human service organizations to continue to support critical safety net needs, while also anticipating the rebuilding of our community as we approach a full year of facing the pandemic.
Amethyst House
Amethyst House residential programs provide treatment and housing to one of the most vulnerable populations: those with substance use disorder. Many of their clients have co-occurring issues such as health conditions and other mental health diagnoses. During the pandemic, they have faced many issues that need to be addressed in real-time and have found residential techs to be indispensable. $10,000 in grant funds will be used to cover the costs of two full-time residential techs for a three-month period.
Area 10 Agency on Aging
A $9,565 grant will assist Area 10 Agency on Aging with providing safe, reliable public transportation through the Rural Transit program and meal boxes for older adults and homebound individuals through the home-delivered meal and mobile food pantry programs.
Beacon, Inc. (Shalom Community Center)
Shalom Center will use its $5,000 grant to upgrade the HVAC system to improve air quality and reduce the threat of COVID-19. Shalom has also provided one of the few open public restrooms in our community during COVID-19, resulting in damage from heavy use. Funds will also be used to repair and renovate these restrooms.
Bloomington Pets Alive
The Pets Alive Wellness Clinic is dedicated to keeping pets healthy and safe, especially at a time when the benefits of their companionship contribute towards the mental health and resilience of their owners. $5,000 in funding will help Pets Alive Wellness Clinic reopen with regular hours providing services, like rabies vaccines and flea and tick preventatives that keep pets and people safe and healthy, at low cost for those experiencing financial hardships due to the pandemic.
Bloomington Refugee Support Network
In the past six months, over twelve of Bloomington Refugee Support Network’s client families have struggled to pay their rent during the pandemic and have relied on the Indiana eviction moratorium to stay safe and sheltered. They were awarded $4,000 to help resolve back-pay issues for their apartments and utilities when the eviction moratorium lapses.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Bloomington
A $10,000 grant will be used for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Bloomington’s Community Emergency Relief program to provide after school and daytime childcare. In response to the pandemic, childcare is provided in groups of 10 to comply with CDC gathering size and social distancing guidelines. These “youth pods” currently are open to all. COVID-19 Relief funding helps keep this program affordable to families who rely upon the club for childcare.
Catholic Charities Bloomington
Catholic Charities Bloomington’s (CCB’s) “Meeting Needs Through Technology” Program supports ongoing connectivity between therapists, clients, and the Bloomington community. CCB was awarded $9,449 to support this program, in addition to providing higher quality videos featuring mental health tips and tricks demonstrated by CCB therapists. During the pandemic, CCB has seen an increase in interest and demand for online mental health resources.
Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County
The Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County received a $25,000 grant to support the LEARN Fund. This fund helps children and families gain access to needed resources and provides childcare costs for low-income families or families facing extraordinary circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds may also be used to support e-learning related expenses, technology, education services, or other resources children may need to learn effectively while in-person schooling is limited or not possible.
Courage to Change Sober Living
Courage to Change Sober Living provides safe and sober housing for people experiencing substance use disorder. Their Rent Scholarship fund is used to award four rent scholarships in the amount of $250 each to residents for a total of $1000 a month. $4,000 was granted to support this fund, which has become especially important during the financial hardships many in our community are experiencing as a result of COVID-19.
El Centro Comunal Latino
Many Latinos in the community work in hourly wage and gig economy jobs -- like in restaurants, hotels, childcare, and cleaning -- which were hit hard by the economic downturn. Immigration status makes it harder to make ends meet, and many often have little to no access to government safety net programs like unemployment compensation, stimulus checks, health insurance, and township assistance. $10,000 was awarded to El Centro Comunal Latino to provide these community members with the financial assistance needed for rent, utilities, and basic necessities.
Flourish’s Milk Matters program helps new mothers connect with peers for support, which is critical for breastfeeding success and reducing social isolation among mothers caring for infants. They were awarded a $2,926 grant to adapt this program to a weekly virtual drop-in format through 2021 in response to the pandemic.
HealthNet Bloomington Health Center
HealthNet will use $10,722 in grant funding to support a new required position: a COVID-19 screener who will ensure that symptomatic patients are identified prior to entering the clinic. This is a position that is essential and recommended by the CDC to help keep all health care center clients safe.
Hoosier Hills Food Bank
Hoosier Hills Food Bank was granted $15,000 for the direct purchasing of food for distribution to partner agencies serving people with low-incomes, children, the ill, and those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a continuation of efforts that began at the start of the pandemic and have carried on throughout.
Indiana Recovery Alliance
$10,000 was awarded to the Indiana Recovery Alliance to assist with purchasing life-saving supplies for at-risk individuals experiencing substance use disorders and to help pay staff during a year that has seen a drastic revenue loss.
LIFEDesigns, Inc.
During the pandemic, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are remaining in their homes and have had trouble understanding why favorite activities in the community were disrupted. In response to this, LIFEDesigns was granted $15,500 to help hire a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst to support clients and staff in managing issues like stress or anger in healthier ways.
Monroe County United Ministries
Monroe County United Ministries received a $1,738 grant to support their Self-Sufficiency Center, which offers coaching and resource assistance to families and individuals who are experiencing hardship. This project directly supports its client-choice food pantry, which provides essential food security to families in need.
New Hope for Families
New Hope for Families will utilize their $5,000 grant to provide additional upstream case management to families at risk of eviction, purchase three additional laptops and related equipment for staff and clients use, and purchase air filtration systems and cleaning supplies for service provision spaces.
New Leaf– New Life
For someone recently released from incarceration, having $150 to purchase required work attire could be the deciding factor between gaining employment or not. New Leaf - New Life was granted $3,500 to purchase gift cards for individuals recently released from incarceration that need specific clothing items for their employment.
Pantry 279
Currently, Pantry 279 has been relying on volunteers, but recent demand requires dedicated support. $8,000 in COVID-19 Relief funds will help pay for a full-time staff member to manage the pantry, which includes supervision of pantry workers, obtaining food resources, fundraising, and promotion of the pantry.
South Central Community Action Program
South Central Community Action Program’s Strengthening Family Coping Resources (SFRC) is a manualized, trauma-focused, skills-building intervention. SFCR is designed for families living in traumatic contexts with the goal of reducing the symptoms of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. Their $2,400 grant will ensure that six families receive a family meal delivered once a week during the SFCR program for a ten-week period.
Salvation Army
Salvation Army was granted $5,000 to assist vulnerable households that have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with rent and mortgage assistance and utility assistance.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul developed a vehicle repair solution that helps people have a safe and functional vehicle to meet their needs. This program received $7,500 in COVID-19 Relief funds to make vehicle repairs helping prevent people from being completely isolated, ensure they have access to essential transportation, allow them to pay important bills with the money saved.
United Way of Monroe County
United Way of Monroe County used $18,700 of the Lilly Foundation COVID-19 funding to purchase and implement a grant management software system to efficiently manage many concurrent grant cycles of relief funding. This system has streamlined United Way grant operations, improving the process for grant applicants to request funds, and simplifying reporting.
Wheeler Mission
Wheeler Mission provides shelter, care, and case management services for people experiencing homelessness. In response to the pandemic, staff has enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols, including regularly disinfecting high touch areas. Their $5,000 grant will support these efforts at the men’s shelter while compensating for decreases in volunteerism.
Youth First
In order to build more resilient individuals in Ellettsville in the wake of COVID-19, Youth First was granted $5,000 to extend evidence-based social work services at Edgewood Junior High School into the summer months. Monies will also be used to offer the evidence-informed program In It to Win It: The Seven Habits Way to junior high school students in collaboration with the Monroe County Public Library Ellettsville Branch.
Phase 3 grant recipients
June 30, 2020 - The United Way COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund announced Phase 3 grants totaling $215,000 to 20 human service organizations to continue to support critical safety net needs, while also anticipating the rebuilding of our community and the charting of a course toward a new normal, in which racial and economic disparities are addressed and in which every person has equal access to opportunities.
Amethyst House
Amethyst House received $15,000 to purchase personal protective equipment for staff and clients. This grant will also fund the employment extension of two residential technicians that assist with altering programming to allow for health and safety precautions.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Indiana
$15,000 was granted to Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Indiana to fund necessary changes to programs and activities that allow Bigs and Littles to connect in innovative ways while adapting to COVID-19.
Bloomington Refugee Support Network
The Bloomington Refugee Support Network was awarded $5,000 to support refugees and immigrants in the community who are without employment due to COVID-19 or while they are waiting for Employment Authorization.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington
In response to COVID-19, Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington altered their summer camp to provide childcare in groups of 10 children, in accordance with CDC guidelines. They were awarded $16,500 to expand this program to families on the wait list and keep the cost of the camp affordable, despite increased staffing costs.
Catholic Charities Bloomington
$17,000 was granted to Catholic Charities Bloomington to provide virtual mental health care to employees of nonprofit agencies at a discounted rate.
Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County
$2,800 was awarded to the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County to produce an educational video to help families better understand childcare options during COVID-19 so they can make the best decisions for their children and families.
Community Justice & Mediation Center
The Community Justice & Mediation Center was awarded $4,500 to develop a no-cost conflict training mini-workshop for four local organizations and to hire a training consultant to provide equity-informed advanced mediation training to staff and volunteers.
District 10 Pro Bono Project
$4,000 was granted to District 10 Pro Bono Project to provide no-cost legal assistance to survivors of domestic violence when addressing issues like divorce, child custody, protective orders, and other legal issues.
El Centro Comunal Latino
El Centro Comunal Latino received $19,000 to continue providing financial assistance to Latino community members who are out of work due to COVID-19 and have little or no access to supports like unemployment compensation, government stimulus checks, health insurance, or township assistance.
Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County
$9,300 was granted to Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County to fund financial literacy and homeowner education courses to ensure successful homeownership for families who move into Habitat homes.
Hoosier Hills Food Bank
Hoosier Hills Food Bank was awarded $29,800 to fund the upgrade to a new web-based inventory system to better manage the distribution and reporting of over 5 million pounds of food annually.
Hoosier Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America
$2,500 was granted to Hoosier Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America to support technological upgrades that allow staff to communicate remotely and scouts to connect with virtual programs.
Indiana Recovery Alliance
Indiana Recovery Alliance received $8,000 to fund the staffing of a new Peer Collaboration and Support program aimed at addressing emerging barriers that have made seeking substance use treatment more difficult during COVID-19.
Monroe County United Ministries
$14,000 was granted to Monroe County United Ministries to support the Compass Early Learning Center, which provides affordable childcare to low-income families with the goal of ending generational poverty in Monroe County.
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, Inc
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard was awarded $12,500 to continue to fund their essential food pantry program and support necessary changes to ensure the health and safety of staff and clients.
New Hope for Families
The Nest at New Hope provides childcare to families impacted by homelessness and poverty. $3,600 was awarded to support this program and its increased health and safety precautions. In addition, $3,000 was granted to fund a year-long five-step plan towards actively addressing implicit bias and combatting racism via facilitated training for staff and volunteers.
St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten
St. Mark’s Nursery School and Kindergarten continues to provide essential in-person childcare during COVID-19. They received $5,000 to support changes to their program to ensure health and safety, like such as canopies for outdoor programs, hand washing stations, and thermometers for temperature checks.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army was awarded $5,000 to assist families experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19 with rent, mortgage, and utilities payments.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
$10,000 was granted to The Society of St. Vincent de Paul to fund vehicle repair assistance to ensure clients have reliable transportation during COVID-19.
Wheeler Mission
Wheeler Mission Bloomington received $13,500 to continue providing support to those experiencing homelessness as demand increases and volunteerism has been suspended for health and safety concerns.
Phase 2 grant recipients
May 19, 2020 - The United Way COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund announced Phase 2 grants totaling $450,000 to 22 human service organizations providing critical services serving people in south-central Indiana. With support from the COVID-19 Fund, these organizations can continue to provide life-changing services to members of our community affected by the pandemic.
Amethyst House
Amethyst House is continuing to provide services to those recovering from substance use disorder during the pandemic. They received a $4,000 grant to purchase equipment that helps protect the health of staff and clients.
Bloomington Refugee Support Network
$1,900 was awarded to the Bloomington Refugee Support Network to provide immigrants in our community with assistance for necessities like childcare, food, healthcare, and transportation needs.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington
In response to the pandemic, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington found new ways to continue to provide their services. $30,000 was awarded to them to fund a youth camp program for children of essential workers, a food and supply drive, and an online-based youth program.
Catholic Charities Bloomington
To continue to provide mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Charities Bloomington was granted $22,000 to expand remote services. These services include support and consultation calls, individual and family Telehealth sessions, tip sheets, and virtual support groups.
Centerstone Indiana
Centerstone Indiana was granted $10,000 to support appreciation pay for essential workers that must continue to work on-site at their Supportive Housing Services to serve residents and clients with disabilities during the pandemic.
Citizens for Community Justice, Inc.
Citizens for Community Justice, Inc. was granted $9,380 to support additional hours for their Housing and Evictions Resource Table Collaboration. They will provide virtual and on-site resources to people facing eviction due to circumstances related to COVID-19.
Courage to Change Sober Living
$4,160 was granted to Courage to Change Sober Living to support increased staff hours at their sober living houses.
El Centro Comunal Latino
Many Latino individuals and families are struggling during the pandemic and have little to no access to supports like unemployment compensation, government stimulus checks, health insurance, and township assistance. El Centro Comunal Latino was awarded $15,000 to provide financial assistance to people in need.
Hoosier Hills Food Bank
Hoosier Hills Food Bank was awarded $150,000 to help offset the decline in food donations at a time of significantly increasing demand. The food bank’s Covid Food Project has included the purchase of over 921,000 pounds of food staples that are helping supply programs and agencies through this fall.
HealthNet Bloomington Health Center
Now that dental offices can reopen, HealthNet Bloomington Health Center will be moving forward with the reopening of their dental clinic to provide dental care to individuals who are medically un- or under-insured. $6,600 was granted to them to purchase personal protective equipment to protect their staff and clients when they reopen.
Indiana Recovery Alliance
Indiana Recovery Alliance was awarded $15,000 to continue providing life-changing services to individuals with substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic.
LIFEDesigns, Inc.
LIFEDesigns, Inc provides in-home supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are generally considered at higher risk for contracting COVID-19 due to difficulties understanding health and safety precautions. $25,000 was granted to support the continuation of these in-home supports during the pandemic.
Monroe County Humane Association
The Monroe County Humane Association was awarded $2,340 to support pet owners in our community experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19. By assisting with veterinary expenses, the Humane Association hopes to help individuals and families avoid surrendering or re-homing their pet during the pandemic.
Monroe County United Ministries
To support Monroe County United Ministries returning their Self-Sufficiency Center to its full capacity, they were awarded $7,500. This funding will assist with restocking the food pantry and cleaning and hygiene closet, providing rent and utility assistance, and distributing clothing and small household goods to clients.
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
In response to COVID-19, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard shifted their food pantry from patron choice shopping to a drive-thru with pre-packed boxes and have suspended volunteering. They were granted $20,000 to support the continuation of their essential food pantry during the pandemic.
New Hope for Families
New Hope for Families was granted $35,000 to support childcare programs for children of essential workers, childcare and education for children of families experiencing poverty and homelessness, and the expansion of emergency family shelter in response to increased need.
New Leaf – New Life
New Leaf – New Life’s Transition Support Center is now operating without the support of volunteers and interns it typically has. They were granted $3,120 to assist with the hiring of one part-time staff member to help ensure the center can continue to support individuals who are released from jail during the pandemic.
Pantry 279, Inc.
$34,000 was granted to Pantry 279, Inc. to support those experiencing food insecurity during the pandemic. Priorities for the funding include food, supplies, and operational support.
Shalom Community Center
Shalom Community Center was awarded $20,000 to fund homelessness prevention programs during the pandemic, including rent and utility assistance and other financial assistance that can prevent eviction.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
$10,000 was granted to The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul to partially make up for funds that would have otherwise been raised at their annual Hog Roast Festival. These funds will be used to provide clients with financial assistance for necessities like rent, utilities, and healthcare.
Stone Belt Arc
Stone Belt Arc was awarded $10,000 to help adapt their services for individuals with disabilities who live in group homes or receive in-home care. This includes the purchasing of personal protective equipment to keep staff and clients safe while providing services.
Wheeler Mission
Wheeler Mission is providing shelter, food, necessities, and other resources to those with nowhere else to go during the pandemic. They were granted $15,000 to support the continuation of their services while they have suspended volunteerism.
United Way COVID-19 Fund Grants $390,000 to Area Community Foundations
May 7, 2020 - The recently announced $1.2M gift from the Lilly Endowment Inc., in partnership with Indiana United Ways, is intended to support United Way of Monroe County’s full service area, which includes Monroe, Greene, and Owen counties, as well as a portion of Brown. United Way is partnering with each outlying county’s community foundation to administer the following grants based on population figures:
Brown County Community Foundation, $44,142
Greene County Foundation, $185,483
Owen County Community Foundation, $120,802
Agencies applying for funding in those counties may contact their community foundation regarding the application process. Links can be found at
Additionally, the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County will receive $40,000 in order to support further rounds of rapid response grants for local nonprofits. Organizations, particularly ones supporting human service organizations, seeking rapid response grants in the amounts ranging from $250 to $2,500 may apply.
Phase 1 grant recipients
March 31, 2020 - The United Way COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund granted $309,425 to 17 human service organizations providing critical services serving people in Monroe, Owen, and Greene counties.
With support from the COVID-19 Fund, these organizations can continue to provide life-changing services to members of our community affected by the pandemic. Priority needs for the fund focused on sustaining operations of agencies meeting community members’ basic needs, developing safe and temporary residential programs for at-risk individuals served by area shelters, and maintaining or increasing the capacity of local food security systems.
All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center
All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center received $2,500 to assist with increased demand for diapers among their clients. They will be expanding their diaper program and working with MSSCS, Bloomington Project School, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, and other community organizations to ensure that families with new or emerging need for diapers can receive aid.
American Red Cross Southeast Indiana Chapter
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a drastic decrease in American Red Cross blood donations. To help mitigate this problem, the Southeast Indiana Chapter was awarded $1,500 to assist with hiring and training additional blood collection staff, paying staff to work extended hours at blood collection sites, and covering costs associated with added safety and health precautions.
Amethyst House
Amethyst House provides transitional residential programs for people recovering from addictions, which usually allow residents to access outside resources. With many outside resources becoming unavailable, Amethyst House was granted $15,000 to hire additional full-time technicians for group support and coverage while residents are spending more time at the facility.
Area 10 Agency on Aging
Area 10 Agency on Aging provides support to senior citizens in Monroe and Owen counties, including their meal delivery service and Rural Transit service. The organization was awarded $20,000 to support the need for these two services during the pandemic, as well as increased safety procedures.
Bloomington Meals on Wheels
During the pandemic, it is imperative that those with serious health conditions remain at home and decrease their chances of contracting the virus. Bloomington Meals on Wheels was given $7,000 to support the delivery of meals to homebound residents in Bloomington.
Catholic Charities Bloomington
In order to continue providing mental health care to individuals, families, and children in the community, Catholic Charities was provided $15,000 to support the transition to online-based mental health services.
Community Kitchen of Monroe County, Inc.
Due to COVID-19, Community Kitchen began a new meal delivery route for seniors now homebound due to their vulnerability. The organization is also providing meals to our community’s new COVID-19 isolation shelter for those experiencing homelessness. They were granted $4,175 to support these new programs.
El Centro Comunal Latino
El Centro Comunal Latino was awarded $12,000 to help offer financial relief to Latino residents with limited financial resources who are unable to work during the COVID-19 emergency and who have poor or no access to other programs.
Hoosier Hills Food Bank
A grant of $50,000 was made to Hoosier Hills Food Bank in order to support mass purchasing of food staples.
Middle Way House
Middle Way House plans to distribute their $20,000 grant across both the emergency shelter and transitional housing programs to support immediate costs, including increased employee wages due to decreased volunteer support, increased sanitation and safety measures, and new technologies to support virtual communications.
The Monroe County Food Train
$5,750 was awarded to the Monroe County Food Train to support the increase in need for food delivery to neighborhoods and families experiencing food insecurity.
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard received $20,000 to support the increased need for their food pantry program, as well as significant changes to the program to increase safety. The previous patron-choice shopping model has shifted to providing pre-packed boxes in a drive-thru style. Volunteer shifts have been suspended, reducing personnel from over 400 volunteers to a staff of seven.
New Leaf – New Life
Due to the pandemic, New Leaf – New Life no longer has the service of volunteers and interns. They were granted $6,000 to support their reduced staff and keep the Transition Support Center open to aid those who now have an even more limited safety net as they are released from jail.
Pantry 279
Pantry 279 received a $15,000 grant to support the four-fold increase in people experiencing food insecurity in Ellettsville and the surrounding communities.
Wheeler Mission
Due to COVID-19, Wheeler Mission has seen a drastic decrease in volunteer support. The organization was granted $35,000 to support the extension of three seasonal staff positions and the creation of five additional temporary staff positions.
The COVID-19 Isolation Shelter
$70,000 was granted to fund a collaborative project between Shalom Community Center, New Hope for Families, Wheeler Mission, Middle Way House, and Monroe County Health Department to coordinate and secure safe isolation shelter space for individuals currently in mass shelters, a resource previously unavailable in our community.
Greene County General Hospital
Like many hospitals around the world, Greene County General Hospital is experiencing an elevated need for personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect the health care professionals at the frontlines of the pandemic. The Greene County Foundation and United Way of Monroe County partnered, each donating $10,500 so that the hospital can purchase necessary life-saving supplies.