Phase 5 Grant Opens August 2nd for United Way of Monroe County COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund

July 22, 2021, Bloomington, Ind. -- United Way of Monroe County announced today the Phase 5 COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund grant application will open to Monroe County nonprofit organizations on Monday, August 2 at 8 a.m.

The COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund was launched in March 2020 in response to the emerging needs that were brought forward during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the Fund has granted more than $1,592,737 to groups and nonprofits serving families hardest hit by the pandemic with the top funding needs being food security, safe shelter and housing, childcare, and health and safety.

Phase 5 will grant $414,280 to nonprofit organizations so that our community continues to meet basic human needs. Using the CDC’s Social Determinants of Health as a guide, Phase 5 grants may encompass a wide range of programs and interventions beyond food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Social determinants of health are conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. Non-profits will need to show that the funding request directly links to the social determinants of health and that the need exists because of, or was made worse by, COVID-19. Learn about the CDC’s social determinants of health at www.cdc.gov/socialdeterminants.

The minimum amount organizations will be granted is $8,000. United Way plans to fund fewer projects that will have a large impact in a short amount of time. The grant timeline will be August 2021 through June 2022.

Nonprofit collaboration, especially among organizations providing basic needs supports, will be prioritized. Funds may be used for operational support, provided that the non-profit demonstrates they are (1) essential to our community’s health and human services infrastructure, and (2) provide basic needs outreach.

  The application will open Monday, August 2 at 8 a.m.

Human service organizations serving Monroe County may apply for Phase 5 funding beginning Monday, August 2 at 8 a.m. via the grant portal here. The deadline to apply is Friday, August 13th at 5 p.m. Organizations will be notified of the review committee’s decisions by the end of the day on Friday, August 27th.

Organizations serving Brown, Greene, or Owen counties should contact their respective community foundation for information on the application process to receive funds. Links can be found at www.monroeunitedway.org/COVIDRelief.

In Monroe County, a committee including representatives from the Bloomington Health Foundation, City of Bloomington, Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana University, Monroe County Government, and United Way of Monroe County will continue to support local administration of the funding.

“Phase 5 grants will be a final injection of relief funding to make sure our community's safety net can continue to serve those in need. Agencies providing for basic human needs are still meeting high demand for services – as they’ve done for the past 15 months -- and we know will continue to do so for some time as people struggle to get back on their feet,” said Efrat Feferman, Executive Director of United Way of Monroe County.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund supporters include BKD CPA’s and Advisors, Bloomington Elks #446, Bloomington Health Foundation, Bloomington Sunrise Rotary, Bloomington Township, Blueline, Boston Scientific, Buskirk-Chumley Theater, City of Bloomington, Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Cook Medical, Duke Energy, Etch Clothing Co., First Financial Bank, First United Church, First United Methodist Church, Hoosier Energy, Indiana United Ways, IU Credit Union, IU Credit Union Volunteer Board of Directors, Ivy Tech Foundation, Kappa Kappa Kappa Alpha Chapter, Lilly Endowment, Inc., Monroe County Government, Old National Bank, Owen County State Bank, Perry Township, Private Individuals, Renaissance Rentals, Salesforce, Smithville Charitable Foundation, Susan Yeley Homes, Tim Ellis Realtors, Truist Foundation, United Way of Monroe County, United Way Worldwide, University Tees, and Van Buren Township.

Local Resources

Individuals in need of services including food, shelter, childcare, financial assistance, and more are encouraged to search www.helpingbloomingtonmonroe.org or to call  
2-1-1 to connect to the right help.

Community-wide resources and updates are centralized at www.chamberbloomington.org/recovery-resources by the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce in partnership with a cross-sector coalition of partners.

Individuals may text COVIDRELIEF2020 to 44-321or visit www.monroeunitedway.org/COVIDRelief to make a contribution to the Emergency Relief Fund. 




United Way of Monroe County is a nonprofit organization that improves people’s lives by addressing critical needs today and working to reduce those needs tomorrow. Through its Community Action Fund and grant initiatives, United Way works with 24 member agencies and community partners to ensure families have opportunities and everyone can meet basic living needs.