The Mary Alice Gray Award for Extraordinary Volunteer Service is given annually to honor individuals whose energy and talents allow us to improve people's lives.

2015: Heidi Schulz
Heidi Schulz is a voluntary extraordinaire. She has led campaigns, chaired our board, participated in Leadership Bloomington, served on a dozen certification and grant panels, made scores of phone calls, signed thousands of letters, and still found time to have three kids. Her positive and thoughtful approach, her careful consideration of how United Way can best serve the community, and her ability to connect with volunteers, donors, and community leaders have made this hometown hero a United Way superwoman. And, so we were so happy to recognize Heidi as the winner of the 2015 Mary Alice Gray Award.

     Heidi Schulz, 2015 Mary Alice Gray Award Winner, with Barry Lessow, United Way Executive Director.
2014: Kelly Cornett
Indiana University has been a strong partner of United Way's for many years. University staff, faculty, retirees and students generously donate to the campaign. All of those pledge cards pass through the hands of Kelly Cornett, who ensures the information is recorded accurately so we can account for the funds and properly thank the donors. Now, it is our turn to thank Kelly. As Assistant to the IU Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations, Kelly serves the university and community in so many ways and we were proud to recognize her with the 2014 Mary Alice Gray Award.  Not so ironically, Kelly was called back to the office at the last minute and could receive her award personally last year, so Barry Lessow, United Way Executive Director, was honored to present it to her at this year's kick-off.


Kelly Cornett, 2014 Mary Alice Gray Award Winner, with Kirk White, IU Campaign Manager.