Born Learning materials are available as downloadable Adobe PDF files. If the files do not open automatically, you may need to download the free Adobe Reader.
Materials are available in Spanish.
What to expect at various stages of early childhood
2 months
4-6 months
6-9 months
12-18 months
18-24 months
24-36 months
3 years
4 years
5 years
General information
Are you Baby Smart?
Five Key Ideas for New Parents
Kid Basics: 20 pages of tips, tricks and answers to help you care for your young child (booklet)
How Can I Recognize My Child's Illness?
How Can I Help My Child Develop Manners?
Reading & Literacy
Make Reading Fun
Encouraging good sleep habits
How Do I Help My Child Develop Good Sleep Habits?
What Are the Stages of Sleep?
Keeping a Sleep Diary
Feeding your child
Meal Ideas for Infants and Young Children
Helping your child learn through play
Fun and Games with Songs
Learn on the Go
The Playbook: Rules and Guidelines to help you make the most of your child's playtime (booklet)
How Does Play Encourage Literacy?
What Is Intelligence?
Reading your child’s emotions
Understanding your Baby or Child's Feelings
Finding childcare
What Type of Child Care is Best for My Situation?
Child Care Checklist
Building and Nurturing relationships
Everyday Activities for Dad
Family History Projects
How Do Mothers and Fathers Differ?
What Roles Can Grandparents Play in Your Child's Life?
How Important is the Parent-Child Relationship?
En Espanol
Su nacimiento
2 meses
4-6 meses
6-12 meses
12-18 meses
18-24 meses
24-36 meses
3 años
4 años
5 años
La otra información útil
¿Cuánto sabes sobre bebés?
Haz que la lectura sea divertida
Lista para evaluar guarderiás
Actividades diarias para hacer con papá
La historia de la familia
Cinco ideas claves para los nuevos padres
Los juegos
Aprendizaje dinámico
Ideas acerca de cómo alimentar
Haz su propio diario de habitos de sueno
Cómo comprender lo que siente tu niño
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